Inappropriate Use of the Framework Images

“Using someone’s words, ideas, images, etc. without acknowledgment—is a matter of professional ethics.” (

CASE #1: Copyright Info Altered

© Badrul Khan from Khan’s E-Learning Framework image was replaced with (© Binda Vivek.


CASE #2: No Credit Given

The framework is being used by many around the world with proper copyright credit. We are very glad that the framework is useful to their projects. However, we found an article “Integrating the communicative component into b-learning instruction” (see page 14 – which altered Khan’s Octagonal Framework image without making any appropriate reference to Khan. However, authors only made reference to Singh’s Building Effective Blended Learning Programs article which adopted Khan’s Framework.

Khan's origial Octagonal Framework used in Singh's Article—>Unfair Use of Khan's Octagonal Framework


CASE #3: No Credit Given is using my E-Learning Framework without giving credit to Badrul Khan:
User of the framework should use the E-Learning Framework with proper credit display as shown in the the following graphics.